Drawing from research on therapeutic landscapes and relationships between environment, health and
wellbeing, ‘healthy blue space’; is an important new development complementing research on healthy
green space, ‘blue space’ is defined as; ‘health-enabling places and spaces, where water is at the
centre of a range of environments with identifiable potential for the promotion of human
Academically recognised and broadly published in the scientific world, there is now vast empirical
evidence to support the sense of well being and reduction in psychological stress when interacting
and immersed in ‘blue space’. This new understanding of what we always knew but could not explain,
was the uplifting influence of being by the sea or a body of water
Elysium Cruise Residence® harnesses this ‘blue space’ harmony and incorporates this in its
exclusive Elysium Wellness Lifestyle™ holistic philosophy – it starts by having a coastline-based
residency with stunning dynamic views every day, a mobile ‘isolation bubble’, supported 24/7/365 by
a comprehensive onboard medical centre, protective and preventative Safety, Security, Serenity, and
Sanctuary solution, that is future proof against epidemics, pandemics, inescapable geohazards, and
unpredictable geopolitical turbulence.
Elysium is an aspirational, unparalleled, unmatched, aged care residence platform “Adding Years
to Your Life, and Life to Your Years” – André Sidler • Founder and CEO