Elysium Cruise Residence is welcomed to the United Nations Global Partnership on Marine Litter – GPML

Elysium Cruise Residence® has pledged to the United Nations initiative on a Global Partnership on Marine Litter https://www.gpmarinelitter.org/. We are very proud to have been accepted by the UN GPML as a contributing partner to ensure we do our part to reduce litter, pollution, and plastic waste in the worlds marine environment, and raise awareness of the growing threat to our marine life, and by default our sustainability on our planet.

As a mandatory standard of our maritime operation, and partners, single use plastics such as disposable plastic bags, straws, drink containers, and many other plastic vessels we take for granted in daily life, will be banned, and alternatives such as bamboo, reusable fibre and metal based materials, used when possible and available. Evolving technology in the collection and recycling of plastics found on our journeys is a priority for Elysium in order to contribute to the reduction of sea waste such as found in the North Pacific ocean, and called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch



Elysium wants to ensure no such ‘Garbage Patch’ forms in Australasian waters – there are already 5 known and documented ‘Garbage Patches’ established in the Seven Seas https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/5-ocean-garbage-patches-plastic-pollution/?utm_source=paidsearch&utm_medium=ausgrant&utm_campaign=genericbrandname&gclid=CjwKCAjwmeiIBhA6EiwA-uaeFTvCBcGIO5Z6C_OzdrjKQl5v0sklZ_EYWpvKqiFvswSEQS26_mG3JBoCJA0QAvD_BwE

“The best way to defeat environmental pollution is to address it before it starts. We want to keep an ‘Australasian Garbage Patch’ from forming by doing our part.” – André Sidler, Avril Hanna, Founders of Elysium Cruise Residence®

Follow us on Facebook and our journey as we proactively commit to eliminating use of single use plastics, microplastics, and look to harnessing technology that can collect and safely process waste we find on our journeys and long duration port visits in Australia, New Zealand, and South Pacific waters and harbours.

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