Elysium Green & Blue Space

Elysium as a holistic solution harnesses the healing and therapeutic benefits of ‘Blue Space’, and, ‘Green Space’.

Our Elysium ship has as part of the crew compliment, a team of full time gardener/landscapers to tend to the medicinal herbs and restaurant organic vegetable gardens providing fresh produce to our kitchens and menus every day, and wherever we travel in Australasia. We invite our interested residents to participate in an interactive ‘green thumbs’ programme that they benefit from, watching their efforts make real contributions to the health and well being of themselves and their fellow ‘shipmates’.

The ‘green space’ planned onboard is not restricted to just the restaurant garden plots around the ship, but also includes recreational decorative flower gardens, and palm trees throughout, as part of the serene ‘green zone’ gazebos around the ship producing a healthy source of O2 continuously.  These areas add colour, a sense of nature, and areas in which to seek solace, peace, and tranquillity, to enjoy the silence, read a book, or soak in the view.


Elysium – something for everyone, and an opportunity to give back to nature and the environment as part of our Tiaki Promise https://tiakinewzealand.com/

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