‘We Needed to Go’: Rich Americans Activate Pandemic Escape Plans

Interest in New Zealand bunkers has surged.


“For years, New Zealand has featured prominently in the doomsday survival plans of wealthy Americans worried that, say, a killer germ might paralyze the world. Isolated at the edge of the earth, more than 1,000 miles off the southern coast of Australia, New Zealand is home to about 4.9 million people, about a fifth as many as the New York metro area. The clean, green, island nation is known for its natural beauty, laid-back politicians and premier health facilities.”

We at Elysium Cruise Residence® wholeheartedly agree with their highly educated and researched choice in location, hence our strategic basing our Elysium ship in pristine New Zealand, Australian, and South Pacific Island waters, blue skies, and immersion in rejuvenating ‘blue space’ .

Elysium takes the ‘ sanctuary bunker’ step further as a mobile, superior, offering of a preventative and protective, epidemic and pandemic isolated, onboard 24/7/365 medical centre supported gated ‘bubble’ residence, that is geohazard proof against terrestrial floods, bushfires, earthquakes, tsunamis and seasonal cyclonic weather, and is in a stable geopolitical region.  This innovative platform is unparalleled, and limited to only 371 luxury staterooms

Elysium is the logical choice of visionaries, and is the only such medically supported residence in the world with daily multi-million dollar views bathed in Safety, Security, Serenity, and Sanctuary.

Express your interest, like and follow us on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/elysiumcruise , visit our array of images on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.nz/674e6bd5bbaf8e604da93832bfbc9c/elysium-cruise-residencetm-cruise-based-aged-care/ to capture our vision, initiative, and social imperative, in images and glimpses of the Elysium model.

 ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it,’ – Abraham Lincoln

We will be opening deposits on our FB page and website in the coming months so the best way to predict your future is to be the first to secure your Elysium residence, for yourself, your parents, and loved ones. Resident luxury staterooms and Penthouses are limited to 371 places, the only ones on the planet, with low residential turnover, and a predicted 1-3  year waiting list. We look forward to your choice as a visionary, speculator, and savvy investor in the future of aged care.

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