Will People Cruise Again?

Dr. Jennifer Holland shares her analysis and assessment with the facts of the cruise industry historically weathering and successfully managing infectious outbreaks including H1N1, SARS, MERS, influenza, measles, legionnaires, and noroviruses.

Until COVID-19, cruising was the fastest growing sector of the global tourism industry. The unprecedented decision to “pause” operations by cruise lines is the necessary and appropriate response for an industry that research shows many people choose to cruise specifically because they feel safe and trust in the cruise line.



What is interesting is that Elysium Cruise Residence™ initiative offers a safe, secure, medically supported, sanctuary that is able to isolate immediately, and travel to tranquil, scenic areas in the South Pacific that are COVID free. The Elysium ship is well provisioned for the full-time residents to allow for long periods of isolation if necessary, resupplying from sanitized locations and cached provision and medicine stocks in dedicated Elysium depots around Australasia. The stored stocks carry 3-6 months of suitable dry provisions and medicines with long shelf lives. Access to local fresh produce and marine food stock is from local South Pacific Island nations that have guarantees from our provedore agents of safety and health checks on the goods coming aboard.

With the future in cruising based on its historic resilience and ability to rise to protecting its passengers, Elysium as a comprehensive solution is set to add to its already safe cocoon with the lessons of the latest solutions and awareness of defeating COVID-19.

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