Our diet and nutrition partners, Nutrition Professionals of Australia – NPA – celebrates their 21st anniversary next month, and the importance of regular nutrition for those with dementia

Nutrition Professionals of Australia – NPA –  https://www.npagroup.com.au/ celebrates their 21st anniversary next month https://www.linkedin.com/posts/nutrition-professionals-australia_join-us-on-wednesday-9th-november-to-celebrate-activity-6989104825758093313-fTKw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop, and we are very proud to be invited to briefly speak and share our Elysium story and partnership with NPA, before their honoured guests on Wednesday 9th November.

One of the major altruistic objectives of the Elysium Cruise Residence® initiative was to provide a unique 5-star cruise ship based wellness health platform lifestyle that would offset the likelihood or rapid onset of those susceptible to chronic diseases and dementia, “adding life to their years, and years to the life”. It is why Elysium was very particular in partnering with a leading authority in nutrition and diet for the elderly, sharing the belief that through this staple activity in everyone’s daily life, we change the outcome for better lives, offsetting and delaying the elderly related afflictions such as dementia. NPA, Julie and Anne were the logical choice for us to partner with and we are thrilled to share the same vision, goals, and mission objectives to improve the quality and quantity of our elderly with grace, dignity, elegance, and great meals from local Australian and New Zealand farm sources – quality and care shows.

Here is an interesting article from NPA in regard to the importance of regular meals and eating habits for those 1 in 10 above the age of 65 that are within the broad spectrum of dementia.


It is why Elysium is very interested in following the expertise and guidance NPA can provide our residents and crew on board for better, longer lives. You can follow NPAs journey via their Facebook page https://www.linkedin.com/company/nutrition-professionals-australia/

We are very excited to have NPA join us as a fellow visionary strategic partner – “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Abraham Lincoln

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